Reprise is a very special song to me. Not only because I'm so honored to have Satchel playing the lead in this one, but also the way it came about. The backward and forward re-writing and re-arranging was kind of puzzling, but to me the end result is fresh and rocking.
As you can hear the main riff is similar to 'Shake me to the Floor'. And if we would not have changed the middle part of 'Shake me to the Floor' so dramatically, 'Reprise' would never have existed. Since Satchel's solo was already recorded before that major change (not very smart by the way....), his solo did not fit in the final arrangement anymore.
To not waste his effort and do him right I decided to write 'Reprise' around his solo.
Finally, I had another leftover solo from Timo Somers (which was not used for 'Mr. Jones'), and thought it would be cool to use this one as a fading outro.
There were just too many cool recordings to not use them, and I was lucky to bundle them all in 'Reprise'.
Music: Ron Coolen
Guitar Solos: Satchel & Timo Somers
Rhythm Guitar, Bass, Drums: Ron Coolen