Jason Becker Charity
Jason Becker Media channels
- Web: jasonbecker.com/
- Instagram: jasonbeckerofficial/
- Facebook: jasonbeckerofficial/
Donate directly to Jason
Jason Becker: Not Dead Yet (movie trailer)
Line-up of all musicians of the Not Dead Yet Festival 2011
Left to right:
Kris Claerhout
Laurie Monk
Ron Coolen
Guglielmo Malusardi
Haarlem 2011
For every RISE album sold, I will donate 1 USD to Jason Becker.
As I also mention on my 'Profile" page, for me Jason Becker is the biggest inspirator of all times. His musicianship and potential was phenomenal until it all ended as he was diagnosed with ALS back in 1991. Like yesterday I remember the day when I heard this news. Jason had everything going that I had always wished for, so I could imagine the pain he must have felt then. Despite this horrible fate, Jason remained incredibly positive and inspired hundreds of thousands of musicians to do the impossible.
From time to time I want to do something in return for Jason. In 2008 I ran the New York City Marathon and organized an auction of music memorabilia with the proceeds going to Jason. I wrote everything down in a special blog dedicated to my NYC Marathon for Jason.
In 2011 I helped Kris Claerhout and his team with Laurie Monk and Guglielmo Malusardi to organize the 'Jason Becker Not Dead Yet' Festival in Haarlem (NL), featuring an incredible line-up of musicians.
If you feel like donating as well to Jason then you can do it directly using the PayPal button on the top right corner of this page.
Also on stage:
Stéphan Forté
Franck Hermanny
Martin Miller
Hedras Ramos
Timo Somers
Federico Solazzo
Erik van Ittersum